Saturday, February 11, 2012


I was out for a run last week, only my 7th run of 2012 (when I was running 5 times A WEEK before), and I started thinking about goals.  My life has changed quite a bit in the last few years and one big part is that I found a love of running.  I just haven't been able to stop myself!  And each year I've set a few goals for myself.  In 2009, my first year of running, it was to complete at 5K and run 250 total miles and I met that goal.  In 2010, it was to run 500 miles and do an Olympic distance triathlon.  Check!  In 2011 I was hoping to run 1000 miles but pared it down to 800 due to a couple injuries during the summer.  I also completed my 2nd and 3rd half marathons and took 30 minutes off my half marathon time in 12 months. 
At the end of November and beginning of December, I was preparing my 2012 goals - run 1000 miles, do at least 2 (perhaps 3) half-marathons, run a sub-2:30 half and really start preparing for a Half-Ironman triathlon.  Well, none of those things are going to happen.  If all goes perfectly, I can possibly do one half marathon by the end of the year but even that might be hoping for too much.  Now my 2012 goal is to simply end the year cancer-free and still be running.  That's it.  It's quite a blow to my ego to have to dial back my goals like that, and to realize that I can't force any of them to happen.  It's just not possible right now.
But in other ways it is freeing.  I can see the goals for what they are - not ends unto themselves but just a little check-mark on life.


  1. Wow! I'm so impressed by all of your accomplishments and running/triathlon dreams! Remember when we would talk about running, triathlons, etc. while volunteering in the church nursery!? I was inspired by you then as well. :)

    I'll be praying for you as you take on this new challenge! You definitely have the same positive energy and spirit.

    And when it is all finished, I think you should come down to San Diego to compete in a race here with me! Thanks for sharing your blog!

  2. that's a great outlook. and a good way to examine other parts of life, too.
